At Starz Protection Agency, we offer specialized safeguard and escort services tailored to your unique security needs. Our trained professionals seamlessly integrate with your existing security protocols, ensuring safety, peace of mind, and effective risk management. Whether you need secure escorts for high-profile individuals or safeguarding services for sensitive locations, we’ve got you covered. Reach out today to discuss how we can tailor security strategies to perfectly align with your requirements.
Currently, the largest cruise lines in the U.S. utilize this service. Here is how the service is carried out by SPA:
The majority of cruise and cargo ships operating in U.S. ports are foreign-flagged vessels. Consequently, cruise and shipping companies primarily employ non-U.S. crew members. When a non-U.S. crew member is discharged from a ship—whether due to contract completion, termination, illness, or other reasons—their employer is required to arrange transportation back to their home country. SPA is contracted by cruise lines, shipping lines, and shipping agents to manage these crew members from the time of discharge until their flight departs.
Our Crew Safeguard Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) comply with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requirements and are rigorously followed by every Safeguard Officer on every assignment. Our Safeguard Officers are selected based on their background, experience, and customer service skills. They receive thorough training and are held accountable for adhering to the procedures outlined in the SOP.